Wednesday, September 30, 2009
the grand canyon
the gap between the very rich in our society and the poor just continues to grow in our country. Reminds me of some of my trips to Mexico....while traveling their once with a friend of mine he remarked that in Mexico you are either rich or poor......their was no middle class............isn't it funny.......the middle class keep getting squeezed in our society, they are the ones who have their salary's cut, diminished and the rich.....well keep getting richer....will we one day see in America a time where the middle class are considered poor.....and their is only the poor and the for thought ......the average CEO in Japan only makes 40 times the salary of the lowest paid America.......400 times!
Monday, September 28, 2009
the common enemies of man
Now the trumpet summons us again - not as a call to bear arms, though arms we need; not as a call to battle, though embattled we are; but a call to bear the burden of a long twilight struggle, year in and year out, 'rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation', a struggle against the common enemies of man: tyranny, poverty, disease and war itself."..............JFK
whole lot of talk about which came first the chicken or the egg.........i think its time we put down our titles and picked up the most important one.....Americans........and helped our country get back on her feet........lets agree to disagree.......and move forward
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whole lot of talk about which came first the chicken or the egg.........i think its time we put down our titles and picked up the most important one.....Americans........and helped our country get back on her feet........lets agree to disagree.......and move forward
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Sunday, September 27, 2009
our greatest power
The greatest power we have within our society is to unite for greater good of our country. What has happened to that power? What has happened to the spirit which for so many years has united us? Me, myself and I. That is what has happened. The corporate philosophy has finally hit home. Banks, savings and loans, mortgage companies do not care about the individual, they care about the bottom line their stock holders, their investors. This group of people led us to a state of national financial collapse in their quest for riches. We have always expected this out of the rich, out of Wall stree, but the average American was better than that. We now know less and care less about our neighbor than we ever have. We have areas in our country that are worst than some 3rd world countrys, why, because we have lost our compassion and value for each other. Until we start taking care of each other again, looking out for one another again, put each other over our own needs like we use too.........we will never come out of this mess we are in.
Friday, September 18, 2009
who is really in control
who is really in control? Today all over some of my favorite blogs the discussion is about how elected officials are compromising with pharmaceutical companies and doing some back room deals. Well who is really running this country, the people, or big business. I have to agree with the pessimist that it looks like big business. They have the bucks, the influence and until we can unite again as voters and demand change then nothing is ever going to happen for the good of the average american
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
The great divide......
It was announced today that the top 20 banks who recieved TARP funds had CEO pay and bonus packages which were 400% greater than the average American salary. What does this mean, the average CEO of a bank which recieved billions in taxpayers money still made 400 times the peoples salary who bailed them out! Wake up America, from healthcare to financing we have a great divide. The rich are profiting of our misery taking our savings and living a life of luxory. Its time for an all out economic revolution, from share holders to consumers we need to march on Washington, we need to close our bank accounts, we need to take our money and start investing with ourselves! I know for one, my wife and I are dealing cash only now, i trust no bank, no savings and loan and certainly no credit card companies. Lets shut them down, lets demand reform, lets demand as stockholders a cieling on salarys above the national average. The president only makes $400,000 a year! These guys are knocking down millions a year!
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Leaders are not leaders..............without followers
Our country is in turmoil now, bitterness, division, and disunity are at pre-vietnam levels. Why? Because of the divisiveness of those who would rather see our political system fail rather than Americans unify and come together for the good of the country. Why would these people be so possessed to do so you ask. A movement during the last election of independent, democratic and conservatives grew which the administration fostered. A movement which encouraged Americans to once again put country and unity first over division and difference. Those who fear this unity are now again attempting to bring her back to the seperation and division that we once had. Don't do it America, stay focused, stay unified, stay on track with our goals, to make this country the country it should be.
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- Blue Collar Blogger
- I am a Registered Nurse and Practical Nursing Teacher.