Sunday, February 14, 2010

Twelve Taliban killed in NATO offensive: what

We have been fighting in Afghanistan since 2001 and 9 years.....yes 9 years and billions of dollars spent are we any safer....are we any better as a country....what could we have done with the hundreds of billions of dollars we have spent in this war! The military defense contractors are getting rich, the oil companies are getting rich, all the private defense contractors are getting rich and for what......lets pull all these troops home..station them along the borders, the harbors, and the shipping yards! we will be safer and it will cost less! Its time to bring our boys home and start putting this country back together. Its time that we started spending all the war chest on the economic stimulus, and jobs creation.......its time to pay off the debt before it sinks us!........9 years what?

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Richard Shelby Senate Hold Puts Spotlight On Defense Contractor Ties

Sen. Richard Shelby's (R-Ala.) decision to place a "blanket hold" on all presidential nominations until a pair of billion-dollar earmarks for his home state are fast-tracked has reignited the debate over the parliamentary tactics being deployed by the Republican Party. It also has thrust into the spotlight the clout that major defense contractors often wield on the political process

proof for the pudding!

Lame Duck Presidency....

Now that we have lost the ability to get things done in Washington without the conservatives.....what example is what we are already seeing....elected officicals holding hostage to 70 of President Obama's appointments! do you really think that this is just a bump in the road? This is the political atmosphere for the next 3 years......"can't we all just get along"...lets get real.....the number of elected officials in Washington who really have the best interest of the American people at hand are numbered on two hands.......if not one....this is an election year!.....they are all looking for their few moments to prove to their constituents that they are against the status rubbing anyone raw now........its all baby kissing..hand shaking.....its a "lame duck" presidency I am afraid for the president.....and 3 more years of hard times for blue collar workers!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

It takes more than 60!

Well here we go again! The democrats had their opportunity to unite for the good of the average American and get something accomplished which will actually help the blue collar worker in the long run.....but instead they are argueing among themselves...divided by the partisanship within their own party. Is it any wonder that the democrats of Massachusetts could not reelect a democrat to feel Senator kennedy's seat. It looks like the tea party and the independents are going to grow even more and we are going to a country of a 3 party system....what does that mean....dead lock.....lame duck presidentcys.......some day will get our act together ....after everything has fell completely apart.....the blue collar worker can't carry these guys forever

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I am a Registered Nurse and Practical Nursing Teacher.