Friday, July 2, 2010

Where's the jobs....

More good news today. Although we are now below 10% of working Americans unemployed we have found that number to possably be incorrect since some people who have been unemployed for over a year have just give up. Where is the billions of dollars and all the jobs. The rich are getting richer and the poor is getting poorer. With the national disasters in New Orleans and the coast you would feel that thousands and thousands of workers are being employed. You would think that with the need for a cheaper form of energy that companies would be ramping up to create more solar panels and wind turbines and hiring more people. You would think with the demand for more natural gas gars that companies would be hiring thousands and plants would be retrofitted to start mass producing these types of cars. You would think that with the invent of natural gas cars that their would be natural gas stations popping up all over the country. why may you ask are none of these things happening? Becasue our goverment does not support these measures, industry does not have the investment in the industries which could save us millions of gallons of oil, and our dependence on foreighn oil. These are the answers to our problems but our goverment will not listen nor will they act to fix these problems. You can't buy a natural gas car from the midwest to east coast. You can't get elecric cars. You can't get companies to even install the natural gas hook ups in your homes which would enable you use natural gas. Where are the wind turbines which we could put on our homes to save electricity and sell back to co ops. Big business and industry does not want us doing these things. Its time we took our country back, it is time we started working with common sense approaches to saving our way of life and our society.

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I am a Registered Nurse and Practical Nursing Teacher.