Wednesday, July 29, 2009

health care reform......not

The conservative democrats are holding up healthcare reform in Congress as we speak..and when I say hold up......i mean as in robbery! They are stripping the program of any initiative which were designed to help middle class Americans. The remaining bill is going to nothing but an insurance reform bill which will not really hurt the insurance industry at all or hinder them from doing business as usual. Several of the blue dawgs on crucial committees now dealing with the health care reform bill recived on average $700,000 in donations from insurance companies to their election campaigns. For example, Bart Gordon from TN recieved over $741,000 from insurance companies for his election campaign. Do these guys think that America doesn't realize that they are being influenced by these insurance companies? They are selling us out again......the sad thing is that they are again siding on the side of personal interest and politics rather than what is best for the American people. I hope that registered voters remember these people on election day.

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I am a Registered Nurse and Practical Nursing Teacher.