Saturday, October 17, 2009

Frist Addresses Tennessee's Birther Problem

Frist Addresses Tennessee's Birther Problem: "Get Breaking News Alerts

Former Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist attempted to skirt a question on Thursday as to why nearly half the Republicans in his home state of Tennessee believed that President Barack Obama was born in another country. But in an admission that the birthers are becoming problematic for the GOP, the senator stressed that there was a need to reach out and educate those individuals, so as to rebuild the party's brand on modern ideas as opposed to conspiracy theories."

Isn't interesting how the party is trying to reighn in the fanatics to give us back the credability we deserve. How are we ever going to regain the trust of the American voter if we continue to run around like individuals who do not even understand the constitution or know where America is!

moon strike creates cloud of dust.......

NASA spent millions of dollars shooting a rocket into the moon to create a cloud of dust to see if there was water on the moon. This hopefully will give them data to establish whether there is enough water to sustain life. My question.......why could we have not spent that money digging wells in areas where farmers no longer have water....or dig wells in 3rd world countries where people are dieing for the lack of seems that we have our priorities all messed up here......if they are just trying to give a lot of intellegent people a job then let me suggest some more constructive ways....such as developing green technologies....feeding the hungry......securing the internet.....i do not know.......things which really affect the majority of Americans lives!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Getting To Feel Angry & Letting It Go

"Anger occurs when you feel that you are not being seen, heard, valued or respected. You need this negative emotion to stimulate the actions that will initiate change." Why do I need negativity in my life? I give myself value, what others think of me does not determine my value in life, what i think of myself determines my value. I respect myself for what I have accomplished in my life, where I have come from, what I have overcame, I do not need the respect of others to give me self respect. And as far as being seen and heard....unless I am standing in line at Starbucks.........i have learnt in life that being ignored is a matter of fact..........and that when I live my life to its fullest to my standards, whether the world stops and takes notice is not my concern. I agree, we should release all our negative energy, yoga, visualization, imagery are all good ways of ridding ourselves of this energy.....but I do not need it to initiate change in my life. What I need is self awareness to bring about change........and if something is bothering me so bad that it creates all these negative feelings.........then i need to find another Starbucks........

Monday, October 5, 2009

soldiers can't get loans........

For years soldiers were able to get loans to buy homes and start business. The loans were backed by the veterans association. Now it is becoming harder and harder for the soldiers who provide for us the blanket of freedom we sleep under a place to hang their own hat. How dispicable has our society become that banks can be allowed to deny soldiers and honor solders when they defend our country. We have become a society of greed and now the greed is destroying our integrity and honor.........

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Goldman Sachs......reward of the debacle

"Goldman Sachs Group Inc. is set to earn about $1 billion in the event CIT Group Inc. enters bankruptcy or otherwise ends a $3 billion financing agreement, according to a person familiar with the matter who declined to be identified because the payout has’t been disclosed."

G7 meetings will not even discuss the true weakness in American financial markets publicly nor will they discuss the failing American dollar publicly. So what will they discuss publicly.....its time that Americans keep the economy and the lack of jobs in the forefront for policy makers. Its time for complete overhaul of the financial regulations which has led to the nations increasing job losses. It is time for Americans to demand transparency of the Federal reserve and the expenditure of billions of tax dollars. Organizations such as GS are seeing a windfall on the backs of the American tax payers, FDIC, and federal reserve....a season for change has arrived.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Bring Gratitude Into Your Life

Gratitude, or feeling thankful or appreciating where you are. How can I appreciate my life, my present station anymore than to look around me. How many times have you passed by some poor soul on the side of the road with the jack out changing a tire, and said to yourself, been there done that or glad thats not me. You instantly have an appreciation for an inflated rolling tire! When I see the children, the mothers, the wives of battle worn countries, I thank God that no one is bombing my neighborhood. What does it take for us to have more gratitude? Awareness of the people of the world around us. How do we become aware, we slow down, we look, we acknowledge each other. By acknowledging you become real to me, when things get real, then we are aware. I go to work everyday, I thank God that I can, and when I walk in my patients rooms, I remember that it is them not me that is in the bed sick, and my gratitude for my health, my station, my life just went up. Want to get some appreciation for your own life, find someone worst off than you, and acknowledge them, by doing something for them. It will make you feel better about where you are at in life.

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I am a Registered Nurse and Practical Nursing Teacher.