Saturday, October 3, 2009

Bring Gratitude Into Your Life

Gratitude, or feeling thankful or appreciating where you are. How can I appreciate my life, my present station anymore than to look around me. How many times have you passed by some poor soul on the side of the road with the jack out changing a tire, and said to yourself, been there done that or glad thats not me. You instantly have an appreciation for an inflated rolling tire! When I see the children, the mothers, the wives of battle worn countries, I thank God that no one is bombing my neighborhood. What does it take for us to have more gratitude? Awareness of the people of the world around us. How do we become aware, we slow down, we look, we acknowledge each other. By acknowledging you become real to me, when things get real, then we are aware. I go to work everyday, I thank God that I can, and when I walk in my patients rooms, I remember that it is them not me that is in the bed sick, and my gratitude for my health, my station, my life just went up. Want to get some appreciation for your own life, find someone worst off than you, and acknowledge them, by doing something for them. It will make you feel better about where you are at in life.

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I am a Registered Nurse and Practical Nursing Teacher.