Monday, July 20, 2009

The new supply and demand..........

According to analyst the crude oil market is rising and falling with the stock market. Experts say that OPEC will have to stick to their guns in holding back supply or the price of a barrell of crude may go below $60 a barrell. What ever happen to supply and demand! This is market manipulation! There is no oil shortage other than the one that refineries and oil comapanies are generating let alone these investment companies holding on to tankers full of crude waiting to dump it onto the market when prices go up. Something as valuable to the recovery of this nation as crude oil should not be open for manipulation, but it is. Now lawmakers are wanting to raise the price of natural gas......why we have lots of it.....oh thats why we have too much of it........the prices may go down.....and the consumer may get a good deal........hogwash.......i think we should all retrofit our vehicles to run on methane because the bullshit is getting deep around this country............

1 comment:

greenjeans said...

We should have taken control of their oil fields when we liberated these guys. Now they are dictating to us how our economy is going to run and wheter we are going to pay $1.5 for gas or $5 for gas. Our goverment has been in bed with the Sauidi's for years and now the relationship has gone south and the American people are paying for the greed of all the Arabs.

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I am a Registered Nurse and Practical Nursing Teacher.