Saturday, August 15, 2009

Bitter August.....

August is turning out to be a battle ground month for the country. We are torn apart by the healthcare reform bill, market tort, and tax reform. The sad thing in this battle that we have lost our ability to reason together what is best for the country and the American people. We must come together in this effort to make these issues better for all Americans rather than just a few.


independantbaptistmommax3 said...

In all this economic tragedy we are livings through, we must get back to the basic essentials of life. We are learning to survive on much less than we have had to in the past. Families have become more tight knit and have learned to lean on each other for encouragement and advice. We have to get back the simple times. When cell phones, Vera Bradley bags, and Tommy Hilfiger clothes were not a must. America has got itself in this financial position. Spend money you have and not plastic or credit. Work hard to pay bills off. If you lose your job, get out there and work where you can, no matter if it is bailing hay or flipping burgers. These are all basic financial truths that have been lost from generation to generation.

Anonymous said...

I could not agree more, the time has come for americans to get back to the foundation and roots from where we come from. Our families and lives will be stronger for it.

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I am a Registered Nurse and Practical Nursing Teacher.