Saturday, August 8, 2009

More Banks closing.......AIG turns profit

Three more small banks were shut down this week two in Florida and one in Oregon bringing this years talley to 72 for 2009. When I got out of the military I worked as a milkman for a while, I worked the rural route with a lot of country stores, family owned mom and pop type places where locals could go get a gallon of milk and a loaf of bread, etc. As time passed I never will forget what my route manager said to me one day, "these guys can't compete with the class C's, enjoy them while they last". What is a class C store, Wal-Mart. And he was right, as time passed by all those stores that I worked for years shut down, got put out of business or got bought out, stores which had been open for decades. Why because their prices could not keep up with the competition, the power of the conglomerate. It impacted those small communities, jobs were lost, convience was lost, a part of the communities was lost. I see it now in our banks, all these small town local banks are failing, because they cannot compete with the big dogs. If the playing field is equal then no problem, but if the big banks are getting all the bail out money, the federal assistance, then who is looking out for the little guys. It will change our communitys, our lives for a long time. Is the decline of the small town bank the death of the small town, only the future will tell.

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I am a Registered Nurse and Practical Nursing Teacher.