Sunday, April 11, 2010

Show me the money........

Have you been watching the stock market lately....people who have money are investing again and the market is almost up to 11,000. The government says that things are turning around and that recovery is on the way. My question....where is the money? Where is the all the billions we used to bail out all these failing banks, failing car companies failing investment corporations. Where is the money, if we are not getting it here on the bottom rung, if we are not seeing it in the form of new loans for small businesses, if we are not seeing it in the way of new construction and reinvestment into the communities and society then where is the money? General Motors says that it will be able to pay back its loans sooner than it thought...then where is the money? If the people we loaned all the money to are paying it back shouldn't the government be making money, shouldn't we have less debt? I am just the average guy but it seems that if people are paying you back then our government should not be increasing in debt but rather reducing our debt. If the rich are doing so much better, if stocks are on the rise and investments are up.....where is the money. We did to start holding our elected officials accountable and asking the question ....where is the money?

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I am a Registered Nurse and Practical Nursing Teacher.