Wednesday, August 19, 2009

crossing the line........

it breaks my heart to see people disgracing our country by comparing our president to Hitler. people have gone to far in this public debate over healthcare reform. Their has to be a line which we do not cross. So many of our veterans have fought and died to defend this country, so many of our citizens have been touched by the terror of a dictator. In this public debate we have to remember that the freedom which we enjoy comes with responsability too. We are free to express our opinions and contribute to the debate to make our country a better place to live, and it is this debate which makes us stronger, but we are to respect one anothers ethnicity, social status and individuality. The anti-senatism in our society has gotten out of control as the disrespect for one another. Its time that we come together as a society and had civil debates about how we can make this country a better place to be.

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1 comment:

gman said...

the rights of the people to express themselves and the right to defame this country are both equal within the bounds of our constitution

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