Wednesday, September 2, 2009

The great divide......

It was announced today that the top 20 banks who recieved TARP funds had CEO pay and bonus packages which were 400% greater than the average American salary. What does this mean, the average CEO of a bank which recieved billions in taxpayers money still made 400 times the peoples salary who bailed them out! Wake up America, from healthcare to financing we have a great divide. The rich are profiting of our misery taking our savings and living a life of luxory. Its time for an all out economic revolution, from share holders to consumers we need to march on Washington, we need to close our bank accounts, we need to take our money and start investing with ourselves! I know for one, my wife and I are dealing cash only now, i trust no bank, no savings and loan and certainly no credit card companies. Lets shut them down, lets demand reform, lets demand as stockholders a cieling on salarys above the national average. The president only makes $400,000 a year! These guys are knocking down millions a year!

1 comment:

gman said...

The rich get richer and the poor get poorer

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I am a Registered Nurse and Practical Nursing Teacher.