Sunday, September 27, 2009

our greatest power

The greatest power we have within our society is to unite for greater good of our country. What has happened to that power? What has happened to the spirit which for so many years has united us? Me, myself and I. That is what has happened. The corporate philosophy has finally hit home. Banks, savings and loans, mortgage companies do not care about the individual, they care about the bottom line their stock holders, their investors. This group of people led us to a state of national financial collapse in their quest for riches. We have always expected this out of the rich, out of Wall stree, but the average American was better than that. We now know less and care less about our neighbor than we ever have. We have areas in our country that are worst than some 3rd world countrys, why, because we have lost our compassion and value for each other. Until we start taking care of each other again, looking out for one another again, put each other over our own needs like we use too.........we will never come out of this mess we are in.

1 comment:

gman said...

the people know longer have the power, it is corportations, big business and elite organizations with all the access and the policy making power

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I am a Registered Nurse and Practical Nursing Teacher.