Saturday, October 17, 2009

Frist Addresses Tennessee's Birther Problem

Frist Addresses Tennessee's Birther Problem: "Get Breaking News Alerts

Former Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist attempted to skirt a question on Thursday as to why nearly half the Republicans in his home state of Tennessee believed that President Barack Obama was born in another country. But in an admission that the birthers are becoming problematic for the GOP, the senator stressed that there was a need to reach out and educate those individuals, so as to rebuild the party's brand on modern ideas as opposed to conspiracy theories."

Isn't interesting how the party is trying to reighn in the fanatics to give us back the credability we deserve. How are we ever going to regain the trust of the American voter if we continue to run around like individuals who do not even understand the constitution or know where America is!

1 comment:

Rickahyatt said...

I now believe Barrack Obama & I share a common father (On the white side), former East German STASI General Markus Wolf, of who it can now be told was turned and counter-run by the CIA as early as 1977. The enemy's true agenda has been preempted, issue by issue, by the Bushes since they first started to "Steward" the Presidency in 1982.
I know, I was used to lure Wolf to the West in '77.
Now you know why & how so much of Obama's birth was fabricated yet protected so heavily from true exposure.
There is also another half-brother and sister from this man who bio-engineered our lives from the birth as espionage operatives, "Manchurian Candidates."
"Master Spy" Wolf wanted to be known in history as perfecting the use of sex as an espionage method, & I guess he succeeded.

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