Sunday, July 19, 2009

Bankrupt on paper........

Banks which accepted Federal bail out money just months ago are now posting big earnings as in billions! How can they go from imminent failure to now making billions of dollars? It is long been know that a good accountant can manipulate the facts, and on paper it probably looked like these banks were in trouble but in reality......they were fine. Manipulation of the facts......yes! While the rest of the middle class and the poor are struggling to turn this economy around the rich are seeing our expense! The American taxpayers are the ones which have bailed these banks out but we still cannot get loans we are facing outrageous credit card rates and seemingly the banks are no closer to being reined in than they were in January. And what are we seeing on capital hill, finger pointing, a big show called the "blame game". Well, I am for one not buying in to this distraction. Congress and the American people got duped into loaning these banks all this money and now we should demand it back with interest. Take that money and put it where it belongs. Helping the small businesses of America, the middle class as we struggle to once again see this country thrive.

1 comment:

greenjeans said...

The rich get richer and the poor wash their floors, cook their food and drive them around......and are suppose to be happy they have a job for $7 an hour......its went from be all you can be thankful for what we give you....

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I am a Registered Nurse and Practical Nursing Teacher.