Friday, July 31, 2009

Hope for tomorrow..............

July is over now and the country has seemed to make a turn around. The health care reform bill has been watered down enough to not do us any good who really need the help. The stock market is up and the rich who lost all our 401k's are gaining their money back, wonder if they'll send us a check. Crude oil prices are up, unemployment is up, groceries are up and the goverment wants to raise the price of milk to help out the farmers. Its wonderful to see things turning around for everyone, but just in case you are interested their is a whole bunch of us who are still broke, hungry and needing hope. See, in a trickle down economy it takes a long time for it to trickle to the bottome and by the time it has helped everyone on the way down, well, crumbs from the table are better than starving to death. Thank you America!

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I am a Registered Nurse and Practical Nursing Teacher.