Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Don't ask ........cause they won't tell

The house committee on oversight had meetings today where they held the Treasury Departments feet to the fire on transparency and knowing where the 700 billion dollars taxpayers gave banks is going. All the TARP funds designated to saving these so-called failing banks are being spent by banks to build new banks, purchase other banks, make investments and repay their debts! What happened to helping out the average American and increasing lending to Americans...well forget that.....instead they are strengthening their positions in the market place and taking advantage of the system by increaseing interest rates on credit cards, changing them to adjustables and basically shutting middle class America out of the bank. You and I cannot go to the bank and cash a check over $10,000 without having to answer to the federal goverment.....filling out forms and letting them know where all that money came from.........these guys took billions of taxpayers dollars and are like a kid in a candy store............and nobody knows where the money is going.........maybe its not don't ask..but rather turn your head.........one thing about it if someone robs you at least they hold a gun on you........these guys get away with robbery.......and expect you to give them the money.......


Anonymous said...

We will never see transparency with all these guys holding the cards. Thats why they appointed someone from the inside to help cover up what has happened to all our tax dollars. Our goverment is not about the greater population but about what is good for the elite!

mramerica said...

Goverment is not about the people anymore....its about whats good for business and the rich......but thats history.......the American revolution was not about you and I and freedom really....but rather the fact that rich plantation owners did not want to give up their money to the crown.....the only ironic thing....once they formed our goverment....the next thing they did was tax everyone to pay for the war........I love this country.......and there is no better place to live.....but goverment should just be hones with us.......

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I am a Registered Nurse and Practical Nursing Teacher.