Sunday, July 5, 2009

Battling for the Giant!

According to the Wal Street Journal Germany, China and Russia are all battling for stock in General Motors. European stock in Opel and Vauxhall that is and the labor unions love it. GM America keeps major stock control but guess what the German government is backing the deal. Why am I talking about this, GM is building a SUV plant in Russia they have every interest in seeing the success of the giant, German labor unions see an opportunity for jobs to remain in their country so they are backing the deal, and finally China sees opportunity to get a piece of the Giant which will give them more control of the automotive industry. Why is this so important too us, as my dad use to say it isn't what you see that should worry you but what you do not see! GM comes out of bankruptcy with sweet deals, all this new influx of revenue from foreign investors, reduced labor cost abroad, but the beauty elimination of divisions in America, elimination of skyrocketing pension plans, debt, health care cost and a new beginning. What do we get out of the deal, paying for their bankruptcy, losing our jobs, our security and our trust. The American blue collar worker made GM the giant. Who loses in this deal, the little guy, the tax payers, the blue collars. Made in America, America bought out! Foreign countries own so much of our national debt, our major companies, no wonder our jobs are going oversees and our livelihoods down the drain, who will GM sale out later on to keep these major players comfortable with their market shares. Wake up America........
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