Friday, July 17, 2009

Rebuilding America...........from the bottom up

Housing starts for single family homes has exceeded expectations for the last two months. The largest gain since 2004 was seen last month. Analyst believe that this is a sign that the housing industry is beginning its rebound. Most of the construction of these homes is done by blue collar workers! These workers are now getting some money in their pockets and guess what .....spending that money. I have from the beginning said that the best action with the billions of stimulus money should have been to start massive funding of middle class housing development and construction. Now I know what you are saying, "but there is all these houses on the market".......then how did there become a need for over 500, 000 new homes in the last month! Had we have just paid off all those bad loans at Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac....and gave people their homes we would have been better off than we are now! The banks are paying back the money we loaned them now already!.......Had we paid off these bad mortgages then those people would not have foreclosed, then the banks would have gotten the money anyway....and we would not have the distress in the credit markets...because people could pay their bills because they do not have a mortgage anymore....novel idea I know....but what we did is bail out the fat cats and all those people that have money anyway.....who not stimulate the economy stimulate the economy from the bottom ....up.......housing is proving that now.

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I am a Registered Nurse and Practical Nursing Teacher.